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We can help you get US Visa photo online or digital photos for 'Lottery Visa' 2021-2022 Diversity
Immigrant Visa application. Unlike passport photos for Citizenship,
passport application or Visa for any country, the Diversity Program
(Lottery Visa) requires you to submit photos in electronic format with
600 x 600 pixels to 1200x1200 pixels! Being expert in processing passport photos digitally,
we can provide you images in the exact format that this Diversity Visa
program requires.
DV-2020 Program: The revised online registration period for the DV-2020 Program begins on Wednesday, October 3, 2018 at 12:00 noon, Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) (GMT-4), and concludes on Tuesday, November 6, 2018 at 12:00 noon, Eastern Standard Time (EST) (GMT-5). Individuals who submit more than one entry during the registration period will be disqualified.
What is Diveristy Visa aka Lottery
The congressionally mandated
Diversity Immigrant Visa Program makes available up to 55,000 diversity
visas (DVs) annually, drawn from random selection among all entries
to persons who meet strict eligibility requirements from countries with
low rates of immigration to the United States. Photo Requirements as per
Diversity Immigrant
Visa Program Electronic application Photo specs)
- You upload a digital image
with your application
- Minimum acceptable dimensions are 600 pixels (width) x 600 pixels (height) up to 1200 pixels x 1200 pixels. Image pixel dimensions must be in a square aspect ratio (meaning the height must be equal to the width).
- Your photo must be less
than 240KB in size
The submitted image must
adhere to the following specifications. Photographs submitted must be
a recent photograph, taken within the last 6 months. Please be advised
that failure to comply with any of the following requirements may result
in disqualification from the lottery.
Image Acquisition
- The image file may be produced by acquiring an image with a digital
camera or by digitizing a paper photograph with a scanner.
- Digital enhancement or other alterations or retouching are not permitted.
- The original aspect ratio of the image must be preserved. (No image
stretching is allowed.)
Compositional Specifications Content
- The image must contain the full face, neck, and shoulders of the
entrant in frontal view with a neutral, non-smiling expression and
with eyes open and directed at the camera.
- The image must not contain any parts of the body below the entrant's
- The image must not include other objects or additional people.
- Entrant must be vertically oriented in the image.
- The image must be from a recent (within 6 months) photo of the
Head Position
- Subject must directly face the camera.
- Head must not be tilted up, down, or to the side.
- The head height (measured from the top of the head, including the
hair, to the bottom of the chin) must be between 50% and 69% of the
image's total height. The eye height (measured from the bottom of
the image to the level of the eyes) should be between 56% and 69%
of the image's height. The diagram below shows these measurements
on a correctly-proportioned image.
- The photo you upload on their website must be less than 240KB in
US Visa photo size- Diversity VIsa Photo Validation:
How to place your order
with us?
Placing your order with Online Passport Photo service is simple. You
take photos at home with your digital camera (don't worry about size
or requirements by US government agencies. Just make sure you have white
or light background and head with full shoulders is visible. Click here
to look at some sample photos our customer took at home), upload them
on our website and make your payment.
Ready to place an order for your Diversity Visa Program
- Upload your digital
photos (click here to upload your photos now).
- Make your payment
with with PayPal:
Pay with PayPal
Sample of Valid Diversity Immigrant photos

US State Department Web
site for the 2013 Diversity Visa program (DV-2013) is now open. The
entry submission period for DV-2013 is from 12:00PM EDT (GMT -4) on
October 4, 2011 to 12:00PM EST (GMT -5) on November 5, 2011. The entry
form will only be available for submission during this period and
this period only. Entries will NOT be accepted through the U.S. Postal
Service. After reading the instructions, scroll down and click on
"Begin Entry" to enter the DV Lottery.